Why Does God Allow Suffering Into Our Lives: 3 Lessons to Learn
“And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have experienced suffering a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power forever and ever. Amen.” 1 Peter 5:10-11
February 4th, 2012. She looked beautiful. Her two boys, family, and friends joined her in the celebration. They moved to the rhythm of the chicken dance. It was one of the best days of her life, as she was saying “I do” to her second chance in life.
In the past, she had gone through many hardships, including an ugly divorce and not having a place to live with her youngest son. After some time, the Lord provided her a house. It needed some repairs and that’s where he (her second chance) came into the picture; he was a contractor.
After talking for a time, he asked her out on a date; she said yes. They went on a horse and carriage ride to see Christmas lights. The rest is history.
After they got married, they served in many ministries – one of them teaching prisoners the Word of God. They also served many people – that’s how we met. They welcomed and helped us when we were new in town. They became our family away from home.
They enjoyed doing life together, so on the weekends they’d be busy taking care of their garden, cleaning around the house, exploring a new city or going antiquing. On Sundays, they’d be in church for the morning and evening services.
Unexpectedly, their routine changed. COVID knocked on their door. He was battling it for the past month, most of that time in the Intensive Care Unit. In spite of many efforts, he hadn’t shown any progress. As I was writing this, she called to let me know that the family and doctors decided it was time to make him comfortable so he could go home to be with the Lord.
Although it’s great news for him – he’ll get to be with Jesus – for my friend at this moment, it is horrible news. In a matter of 30 days, her partner for almost 9 years was leaving her.
Honestly, I don’t have the answer to why God allowed suffering into her life, so instead, I want to focus on another question, who is she becoming through her suffering?
I’ve seen this woman come closer to God in the last 30 days in ways I haven’t seen her in the last 5 years. Even though she doesn’t understand the why, she’s still clinging to Him because He knows the why, and she knows that despite all, He’s still good.
She has also grown in dependence. Every morning she asks the Lord for the grace she needs to face the challenges of that day.
Lastly, in the middle of her suffering, she’s becoming more obedient. She’s trying to minister to others, believing God is giving her more opportunities to serve and to bless those around her.
At the end of the day, not knowing the why hurts, but seeing her coming closer to Jesus even though when she doesn’t understand it, made me realize it’s not the answer that is going to bring comfort to her life but the hope she has in Jesus.
The “why: doesn’t really matter. It’s not going to change anything.
Instead, ask about the “who”. Who can bring hope and comfort into our lives in the midst of suffering? JESUS.
Jesus is the answer to our pain and suffering. Invite Him to your life today.

About the author: Anyeline is a mom to one, lover of Jesus, and enjoys a great cup of coffee. She is originally from the Dominican Republic, but is now a proud U.S. citizen. When visiting our church, you can find her teaching our young adult women or helping out in children’s ministry. She always has a smile and a warm greeting for friends and strangers alike.